What are People Saying about Comfort & Joy Art Classes on Zoom?

  • "As a parent, I like how Jennifer makes everything easy, organized, affordable, diverse and COLORFUL! Jen is so good at planning. She is cheerful, fun & energetic!

    — Cassie K.

  • “My homeschool kids can do art in the comfort of our own home and I know it's quality projects! And the joy they get when they do them is so much fun for me to watch!"

    — Dana G.

  • “Convenient, fun, positive, enriching, educational! Miss Jen is always so joyful and praises the kids endlessly while they work and show off their projects. We will keep coming back for more!"

    — Rhonda S.

  • It was so great for the kids. You were so kind and encouraging! It was so nice to do it via Zoom, without driving my kids to the studio and entertaining my two younger boys."

    —Sharaya Y.

  • What do my kids love most about Comfort & Joy Art classes on Zoom? "Everything!"

    —Cassie K.